Monday, May 9, 2011

"Us Time" ?!

FINALLY the hubby and I got away for just enough time to watch a movie together! As sad as this may sound we haven't seen a movie in 4 MONTHS and this is coming from the couple who would go to the movies weekly.  The best part of it all was that we lied to his mother about having something important to do so she can watch the baby when in reality all we wanted to do was eat some popcorn and watch FastFive! The truth of the matter is his mother would have watched her grandson no matter what we were doing but the thought of actually doing something for ourselves made it extremely necessary to sneak around, we felt like high school kids sneaking out of our bedroom was great =]

After our 3 hour getaway I noticed a friends status on Facebook stating that this is her last month of pregnant and that soon her new addition will arrive.  From one mother to the next I had to give her the best advice I could.  I told her to go out and spend a wonderful day or even weekend with her boyfriend, go to the movies, go out to eat or even just stay in and cuddle!  Do it now because before she knows it her days collide with her nights and even though she is living with her significant other it doesn't necessarily mean they will see much of each other. They must take the time to just soak up what they have because once the baby is here their relationship will be taken to the limit, and their love for each other must overcome any obstacles that may come in their way. 

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