Monday, May 9, 2011

... SIDS ...

Before you have a child the word "sleep" actually has a meaning to it.  As for me I don't think I have enjoyed a nice deep sleep like I use to way back in 2010.  And no, it is not because he cries all night because I have been blessed with an amazing baby who has been sleeping through out the night since he was 2 months old.  The reason is because I am absolutely petrified of SIDS!

SIDS, also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, has taken over my brain and I hate it! Hundreds of babies just suddenly pass away in their sleep due to SIDS and the worst part of it all is that doctors really don't know what can cause or trigger it. It can only affect an infant in their first year of life and it's peaking months are between the 3rd and 6th month.

The thought of one morning just waking up and not finding him breathing has caused me so much agony that I invested in this wonderful product that I think every mother should have! It is a baby monitor called AngelCare and it comes with a sleeping pad.  Therefore if your child stops moving, or breathing for 20 seconds the alarm will go off warning you that your child is in danger.  It is a must have and truly helps any mother sleep better at night.

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