Monday, May 9, 2011

Smoking While Pregnant

 Ughhh what a topic! It absolutely drives me crazy when I see a pregnant woman smoking cigarettes. After having been pregnant and hearing about so many things that can go wrong with the baby I couldn't imagine purposely putting my child in even more risk just to satisfy an addiction like smoking.   During my time in ICU with Ian I saw so many babies in such bad condition, and many of them were there due to their mother's choice to smoke cigs.

When a woman makes the choice to begin the journey of motherhood the first thing they must do is put their future child (whether they are pregnant or not) before them.  Supplementing all of the delicious cravings for soda, coffe, tuna, and so much more for water, leafy vegetables and fruits!  It's pretty much 9 months of what you CAN'T eat but in the end you manage to get by because you know that what you are doing is for your growing baby inside of you.

If you are smoking while pregnant then you are just indulging into a selfish act that will truly effect your child's breathing and lung growth at such a critical stage in his development.

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