Sunday, February 13, 2011

Exception To The Rule

As I sit here and write this blog entry I can't help but feel extremely exhausted from my long fun filled weekend of mommy duties! It is truly an amazing experience to have a child and be a mother but it is also extremely exhausting!! All the nights I partied in college could not prepare me for these all-nighters I pull daily.  Besides mastering my multi-tasking skills this past month I have also learned how to sleep on command because I am unsure of when is the next time I am capable of enjoying such a pleasure like sleep.

Taking care of a child is one job, but being a full time student as well seems like an impossible task.  I don't know how my body fines the energy to run to school and be a student after being a full time breast feeding mother to a 28 day old baby boy who is eating and pooping up a storm!  If it wasn't for this motivation to finish what I started for myself, my son and my family I don't know how I would be capable of doing what I am doing now.  One major help that I have is my amazing boyfriend Joshua.  As I sit and visit with friends they all ask me how am I managing school and motherhood and the first thing I say is JOSHUA.  He helps with night feedings and changes so I can get my rest and he also made his work schedule around my school schedule so that he could take care of Ian.  The responses I get are unbelievable! They all can't believe that a guy actually helps his girlfriend take care of their child! I have been told by every mother that the dad never changed a diaper or fed the baby a bottle and I couldn't believe it.  This whole month I thought that this is exactly how it should be for a couple with a new baby and yet the reality is we are an exception to the rule.  Without his help I do not know what I would do, so it got me thinking of all those women who have no help.  I respect them so much more because the job isn't an easy one and the fathers should be there helping their partner, no matter what their relationship status may be. 

As Valentine's Day and my 2 year anniversary with Josh approaches us within the next few minutes I can only count my blessings to know that I am one of the lucky women in the world to be blessed with such a great man like Josh; and even though we are saving all our money for bills and our son the best gift I could receive from him is simply his presence.  The thought of knowing he is here with me, every step of the way is all I can ask for.

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