Sunday, February 6, 2011

2 + 1 = 3

On January 16, 2011 at 6:13 PM my whole life completely changed - 9 months of preparing for this moment did not prepare me at all for how much my life changed.  At exactly 6:13 PM when the doctor placed this little shriveled up crying baby on my chest I could not help but feel a part of my own soul leave me and enter this little body that stared at me with wondering eyes; and even though this was our very first time laying eyes on each other I couldn't help but feel the familiarity within his eyes.  It was as if I have been looking at him my whole life without knowing it.

As happy as I was to meet my son for the first time, I can not put behind the craziness that ensued before his arrival.  My life before Ian Noah was extremely perfect - I had just finished up a great internship at a creative branding firm called Brand Marketers and I was about to begin my senior year of college.  Graduating college has always been a dream of mine and I vowed that nothing would ever come between this dream.  Not only does it mean a lot to me but it also means a lot to my family; I will be the second college graduate from my maternal side (my mother being the first) and one of the very few from my paternal side.  With that being said - once my boyfriend and I found out that I was pregnant I couldn't help but feel excited as well as in a stand still.  A baby with my lovely boyfriend Josh was just want I wanted just not at the moment and the thought of dropping out of school didn't even enter my mind.  From the very beginning I knew that I wasn't going to have a care free senior year as I had hoped but as long as my boyfriend was on board with the plans I knew deep inside that things were going to fall into place. 

Once we saw our creation on our first sonogram all of our fears and concerns left us immediately and we knew no matter what that our cozy number of 2 wasn't complete without this person that was growing inside of me.  My son all of a sudden became a necessary component to our lives.  Once school started I didn't worry about how I was going to manage being pregnant and a full time student, I couldn't worry about morning sickness or being tired because things had to get, not for me anymore but for my child.  Not only did I pass last semester with 4 A's and a B + but I am also the secretary of the Advertising Club and put together various events with my fellow Eboard members.

Now that I proved to those who doubted me that I was capable of finishing up a semester while being pregnant - I must finished what I started 4 years ago.  I have to graduate college now, not only for myself and my family but for this amazing little boy who believes in me.  I want him to grow up knowing that he can accomplish anything that he puts his mind to and I must do that by giving him the best example that I know how.  Graduating college will only be sweeter knowing that I will have my parents, boyfriend and son there to witness it. 

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