Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Motherhood Vs. Career


This is a subject that came up in my Business of Television course that really hit home for me.  After graduation approaches many women are faced with this decision they must face; have a family or a career.  This is a huge choice in a woman's world and not too many people realize it.  If we choose a career we are frowned upon for not wanting to have a family and if we choose the family path people judge you for not working.  It seems to be a loose loose situation. 

When Ian came into the world I worried if I would be able to follow my dreams.  In one sense I feel as if I would be abandoning my duties as a mother if I were not there as much as a stay at home. However the best way I know I can provide for my son is by pursuing my dreams.  I have faith that I will find a balance in my role as a career woman and a mother when that time comes.  And all I am certain of is that I will make sure I am present for every baseball game, school play and holiday. 

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