Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Motherhood Vs. Career


This is a subject that came up in my Business of Television course that really hit home for me.  After graduation approaches many women are faced with this decision they must face; have a family or a career.  This is a huge choice in a woman's world and not too many people realize it.  If we choose a career we are frowned upon for not wanting to have a family and if we choose the family path people judge you for not working.  It seems to be a loose loose situation. 

When Ian came into the world I worried if I would be able to follow my dreams.  In one sense I feel as if I would be abandoning my duties as a mother if I were not there as much as a stay at home. However the best way I know I can provide for my son is by pursuing my dreams.  I have faith that I will find a balance in my role as a career woman and a mother when that time comes.  And all I am certain of is that I will make sure I am present for every baseball game, school play and holiday. 

I'm a mother, daughter, grand-daughter, girlfriend, student ...

I was extremely looking forward for my Spring Break.  I had vowed to do my school work and hang out with Ian all week.  Sadly enough, the Friday before spring break even began, my grandmother was rushed to the hospital.  As soon as I got the word my role as a grand-daughter kicked in and I knew I had to drop everything to go to the hospital. 

My paternal grandmother is a beautiful 89 year old Puerto Rican woman.  She has been blessed with five children and plenty of grandchildren and even great grandchildren. As a child growing up in Puerto Rico she helped her mother raise her younger siblings.  After living a great life and being such an important and strong figure in her family things began to change for her.  My family and I were blind to see the changes that my grandmother had made.  Her beans and rice would be burnt, she would forget a distant family members name.  We looked at these things as signs that she was getting old, 'Shit happens'.  But then it got to the point where she would be asking me for my grandfather who is standing next to her, or she would say it's time for her to go home when she is already home.  Even after the doctor diagnosed her with Alzheimers it still took a while to sink in.  My most precious times with my grandmother were when I would cuddle up in her lap and hear stories of life in Puerto Rico. 

Due to my grandmother's illness I stepped in and began to care for her.  I took her to ever doctors visit, cleaned her and gave her her medication.  I owe my grandmother so much for taking care of me that i vowed to stay by her side.  I spent the whole week in the hospital with my abuelita and even though I missed Ian I knew I had to switch gears for her.